Trying to come to terms with this whole no contact thing.

Am I in this for life, or am I waiting until I feel stronger?

Was my mom doing the best that she could?

You know the whole “when you know better you do better”?

Was she doing the best she knew how? Was she repeating what was done to her?

When do you draw the line and reach a point of no return like I have?

All I knew at the time was that my mental health was already at a vulnerable state, and to be around them now that I knew and realized they were abusing me was too much for my broken heart to endure.

Another hoover attempt has brought the cognitive dissonance to the surface again.

More on this later.

1 Comment

  1. Nathan


    This seems to sureal to believe this post was emailed after the encounter between my mother and me. How can they sit there and deny the truths. Laugh at your pain and point out “at least you didn’t have it as bad as others”. The rape and abuse and drugs and lack of money never escape the walls of my cranium. I will no longer be mum, the mumbles will turn to shouts as i scream these horrors out. With out a doubt my heart will always have a place for my mother Lyn even long past the dying end.

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