Why We Need to Share Our Stories

Why do we share our stories? Why do we NEED to share our stories? For me, I think the key is that these stories are sources of pain. We need to tell the stories to work through the pain and process the emotions. If we ignore it, it stays. If we address it, talk about […]

Narcissistic Abuse: Sometimes, it is the Not Knowing

When it comes to narcissistic abuse, especially that of the covert variety, it can be hard for us to put a finger on what is happening to us. Your awareness is limited to the knowledge that there is an internal struggle within. The struggle is for your awareness. The innate response is to block it […]

Watch "CPTSD: Is the Freeze Response an Indicator of Early Childhood Trauma?" on YouTube

  This video was made on May 27th, 2017. I feel like I am stuck in a freeze state sometimes. That is my main response to trauma. I tend to freeze and dissociate by distracting myself or zoning out. When I’m feeling especially triggered I tend to be drawn to my bed and want to […]

On Being Silenced by Narcissistic Mother

As a young child, I was silenced. Anything that could cause my narcissistic mother to feel bad would invoke a psychotic shriek fest and physical assault, which was enough to traumatize anybody into silence.  I became that shy quiet kid that would play quietly with her dolls and try not to make mommy angry. I […]