Watch “Raised by a Narcissist & Learning to Trust My Intuition” on YouTube

Raised by a narcissist and learning to trust my intuition. Having a narcissistic mother has made me not only not trust my intuition, but I think I am discovering it has made me mistake my inner/outer critic for my intuition. If that makes sense. I talked about this in my new YouTube video, CPTSD warrior […]

You have CPTSD: Now What?

Narcissistic abuse is so insidious that it is common to not realize what is going on before it is too late. By the time you realize something is wrong, you have already fallen victim to the manipulations and abusive tactics of the narcissist in your life and are suffering from the symptoms of complex post […]

Creating Conflict because of my CPTSD

I was reading an article about PTSD. It was called “21 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because of Your PTSD”. (Link below) I was reading through the list, which consisted of survivors sharing things they do because of their PTSD. I was identifying with most of them. Then, I got to #17 and I […]