Something is Brewing/Neglecting My Blog

Hi all, First of all, thank you for the follow. It is much appreciated. If you have followed me for a while, and if you haven’t already, please make sure you change your bookmark from to I have said this before, but it seems when I write I am feeling especially distraught. Having […]

Triggered by Husband’s Face

Sunday, May 20th, 2018 Yesterday, the look on my husband’s face threw me into a doozy of an emotional flashback. I was crying on the beach during our walk. Permeating the flashback were thoughts of my dad. Nothing specific, just kept thinking of him. I always think that when somebody’s facial expressions put me into […]

CPTSD Recovery: Managing Emotional Flashbacks

In this vlog I discuss the importance of being able to recognize when you are having an emotional flashback. I discuss a little more about the kinds of abuse I endured as a child. I also discuss dissociation and the fact that I may have dissociated as a small child to block out the times […]