Narcissism: No contact and the Narcissistic Grandmother

I’m not sure what to do. It is one of my children’s birthday today, and I thought my narcissist mother and narcissist golden child sister would be leaving town this morning. My mother texted my husband yesterday and asked if our child could go over to her house for lunch today. He didn’t mention it […]

Narcissism: I'm the Lost Child of my family

I think I was wrong about being a former golden child. I don’t think I ever was. I was/am the lost child. I was/am shy and introverted. I worshiped my narcissistic mother and narcissistic golden child sister so they would love me. When I began to speak up and call them on their bullshit, they […]

Narcissism: Does my fat protect me?

I want to talk a bit about body image issues. As far back as I can remember, my narcissistic mom (NM) has been on one diet or another. My Golden Child Sister (GCS) has been watching what she eats since she was 10, if not younger. All 5 of us girls have issues with our […]

Narcissism: Afraid and Confused

I’m feeling confused. I feel this way when I try to sink back into the ignorance I’ve lived my life in before the discovery. The discovery that I am the daughter of a narcissistic mother. It’s a pretty big thing to wrap your head around. I’m afraid sometimes to continue because I’m afraid of what […]

Narcissism: The big discovery

I’ve been trying to remember what prompted me to look into my mother’s behaviour while I was growing up. I guess I’m looking for a way to mark the beginning of the big discovery. Here is a little background on the past few months. I’d been diagnosed with depression and anxiety (again) last March (2014). […]

Narcissism: I was once a golden child…

I’m not really sure where to start. I am at the mere beginning of this long journey of discovery. I am the daughter of a narcissistic mother. From what I’ve read, my mother is a textbook case of narcissistic personality disorder. I come from a family of 6 children. I am the youngest of 5 […]