In this video I talk about four things that I am going to do to improve my mental health and help me to recover from C-PTSD. Let’s see if my symptoms improve. 

Disclaimer: I am not a mental health professional,  nor am I an academic expert on npd or cptsd. I am here to share my story both past and present as I continue on a journey of recovery from cptsd.


  1. Reply

    Hey. I just stumbled across your post. I have been a clinical social worker for over 20 years now working with clients with all types of mental health disorders. I have specifically encourage the people I work with ( at a high success rate) to try and lessen clinical therapy but retain a Coach for the transition back into a sense of normalcy. Have you ever considered this? TJ

  2. Reply

    Hi there, I'm actually not seeing a therapist right now. I was spooked by a psychiatrist that invalidated my experience over a year ago.

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