Watch “Raised by a Narcissist & Learning to Trust My Intuition” on YouTube

Raised by a narcissist and learning to trust my intuition. Having a narcissistic mother has made me not only not trust my intuition, but I think I am discovering it has made me mistake my inner/outer critic for my intuition. If that makes sense. I talked about this in my new YouTube video, CPTSD warrior […]

Watch “The Weird Thing I Use to Self Soothe and Calm Myself Down | CPTSD Warrior Vlog #1” on YouTube

I’ve started a daily vlog on my YouTube channel. I’m committing to vlogging for 30 days. My vlog is a day in the life of a person with cptsd. ? I’m hoping it will help raise awareness about cptsd & narcissistic abuse, and help others out there with cptsd in some way. ? This is […]

Can a Narcissist Do Better?

Trying to come to terms with this whole no contact thing. Am I in this for life, or am I waiting until I feel stronger? Was my mom doing the best that she could? You know the whole “when you know better you do better”? Was she doing the best she knew how? Was she […]