Watch "Common Symptoms of CPTSD" on YouTube
Topics Covered: Common Symptoms of CPTSD According to Pete Walker, Pete Walker’s 13 Steps for Emotional Flashback Management, and my steps to lessen the severity of a flashback in the absence of Pete Walker’s 13 steps. Resources: Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving Amazon Associates Disclosure Poking Holes is a participant […]
Watch "10 Signs You Might Be Dealing With a Narcissist" on YouTube
Watch "Symptoms of CPTSD (No Squeaky Marker or Silly Drawings)" onYouTube
Watch "10 Signs You Might Be Dealing With a Narcissist" on YouTube
Creating Conflict because of my CPTSD
I was reading an article about PTSD. It was called “21 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because of Your PTSD”. (Link below) I was reading through the list, which consisted of survivors sharing things they do because of their PTSD. I was identifying with most of them. Then, I got to #17 and I […]