Watch “Raised by a Narcissist & Learning to Trust My Intuition” on YouTube

Raised by a narcissist and learning to trust my intuition. Having a narcissistic mother has made me not only not trust my intuition, but I think I am discovering it has made me mistake my inner/outer critic for my intuition. If that makes sense. I talked about this in my new YouTube video, CPTSD warrior […]

CPTSD Warrior Self Care Routine

As promised I am providing you with a downloadable copy of the CPTSD Warrior Self Care Routine. This routine was made to help me reduce my symptoms of CPTSD. If you haven’t watched the video yet where I explain how I use this checklist see the video at end of this blog post. I have […]

Why We Need to Share Our Stories

Why do we share our stories? Why do we NEED to share our stories? For me, I think the key is that these stories are sources of pain. We need to tell the stories to work through the pain and process the emotions. If we ignore it, it stays. If we address it, talk about […]

You have CPTSD: Now What?

Narcissistic abuse is so insidious that it is common to not realize what is going on before it is too late. By the time you realize something is wrong, you have already fallen victim to the manipulations and abusive tactics of the narcissist in your life and are suffering from the symptoms of complex post […]

We Remember

It’s the oddest thing. KNOWING something happened, yet not having a complete visual memory. It’s coming back to me. Bit by bit.  I have a partial memory. It’s the beginning of something happening. The part just before my brain says something is not right, and survival mode takes over.  I’m going to make sure people […]