I have decided that I need to blog more and I need to journal daily, so that made me conclude that I would journal daily on my blog.

I know that writing about our traumas helps us to process and heal, so that is what my blog is going to help me with.

I will write in my blog freely. I will try not to worry about punctuation, spelling mistakes, or run on sentences.

I am going to free write what is at the top of my mind and on days that I can’t think of what to write, I will write about things that have been bothering me and that I have been avoiding.

That is the plan.

The thing that is on my mind right now is I am wondering if my eldest son met up with my golden child sister today. She has attempted to hoover him via my nephew while my son is on vacation visiting him. She is a devious sneaky covert narcissist. I learned the truth about her a bit too late, but better late than never. She had me fooled for a very long time into thinking she was my best friend and that we were close.

I will write more about her at another time. For now, I need to go and eat dinner.

If you want to know a bit about what is bothering me about her and what she is doing with my son, please watch my latest youtube video.

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