My BDay ~ Changed My Phone Number to Avoid the Hoovering
Whenever I get this particular feeling in the pit of my stomach, I literally feel like I’ve done something wrong. I begin to think back to things that I have done throughout the day that could have caused this feeling to occur. This feeling is different though. This feeling isn’t from something that happened today. […]
This can happen in romantic relationships involving a narcissist, but it can also happen in family relationships with narcissistic family members. One day you can be one of the favored children, the next you are being scapegoated and demoted to an unlovable child. I know, because it happened to me in my narcissistic family. I […]
In the last month I have gone from being stuck in bed, to no longer being stuck there anymore. I got to the point where I was experiencing boredom and frustration when I would sit on my bed, and I needed more. Now to work on leaving the house more. Watch the video for more. […]
I spent the past 11 years being crushed by guilt because I didn’t make it back to see my father before he passed away in the hospital from lung cancer. The last day I saw him was in the hospital on Father’s day in 2010. He passed away early in the morning the day we […]
When I told my EMDR therapist that I was still triggered by the sounds of the neighbour upstairs she reminded me that I was supposed to be using the thought replacement strategy we used during the previous session. I started using it and I am so happy to report that I am no longer triggered […]