Watch “Update on the Job Situation” on YouTube
I’m odd. I want to be close to other people, and can sometimes allow myself to be. I also want to be alone, and as soon as somebody seems to want to spend time with me, I revolt. Why do I do this? The people that I trusted the most betrayed me, Stabbed me in […]
I keep having these thoughts that I need to stop obsessing over my family. Then I remind myself that I’m not obsessing, I have Complex PTSD (cptsd). The nature of cptsd is that our traumatic past keeps a hold on us, not the other way around. It’s not that we can’t let go of the […]
Not feeling so good this morning. I feel less than and like I’m not good enough. I’m having an emotional flashback. I always try to figure out what triggered me to feel this way. It helps me to understand myself and my cptsd better. Before I started feeling this way I was telling myself that […]
Triggers are something that reminds you of your trauma and causes you to feel the emotions you felt at the time of your trauma. This is called an emotional flashback. Triggers can be a person, place, thing, event, smell, taste, sound, feeling, the look on a person’s face, the way a person expresses themselves, etc. […]
After almost five years of not working, can you believe I am being driven to boredom by this job. I sit here waiting for the phone to ring. When the boss comes out of his office I try to look busy. I try to look like I wasn’t just looking at social media, or playing […]
This article is what inspired me to come back to my blog and to write again.
I have decided that I need to blog more and I need to journal daily, so that made me conclude that I would journal daily on my blog. I know that writing about our traumas helps us to process and heal, so that is what my blog is going to help me with. I will […]